So many changes since my last post.
To start with, I had to stop my treatment.
- The doctor gave me pills to take once a week. He gave me 5, and gave it to understand that I should come back in 5 weeks so he could prescribe more. But I didn't go again. Too expensive, without medical cover.
+ after each pill I was just so tired I had to spend a day or two in bed
- He also gave me oestrogene cream, which, according to my physiotherapist, was absolutely the right treatment - except it gave me terrible headaches, bordering on migraines.
So, after a few weeks, I had to stop taking it.
But I also went to a physiotherapist. Actually, as far as I know, THE physiotherapist in this country who is specialised in vulvodynia and vaginismus. She is also a sexologist, so she tried to help me look into the psychological side of my problem. She was really amazing!
Because of my insurance-situation, I could only come to one session, and she was very understanding about that. So she examined me, although she said she doesn't usually do it on the first session. She showed me the different parts of my vulva (interesting how little most of us women know about it, until a few months ago I didn't even know where my clitoris was!), and confirmed what I've been thinking for a while, after reading so many other blogs: my case is not too bad.
On my request, she gave me some exercises to do at home. I bought almond oil and started doing them. And I felt some improvement already. But I have to admit: after a few days, I just stopped doing them. I can't explain to myself why, every day I think: today I'll do my exercises, and then I don't.
Glad to read about your progress! The advice about considering 'v' as an external problem is interesting. I wonder whether that would help me and my husband as well.