Feb 6, 2012

Roller Coaster

I'm on a roller coaster.

A week ago, although I had my period and everything hurt a bit more than usual, I was feeling much better. I felt strong, I was optimistic. I read blogs of other women and I built the illusion that my pain was much smaller than theirs. I even started thinking about treatment. I felt so good, I wanted to write a whole post about it.
But then, the period stopped, and things changed.

First of all, I had to start the treatment again. Putting the cream on the sensitive area (the "vestibule") was so painful... I just kept crying and crying.
So much about my pain being smaller than other women's and me taking this "condition" so well.
It's what they call DENIAL.

Since then, I have too often felt depressed. After a rather difficult week-end, I got back on the way up yesterday. But I still feel vulnerable, stressed about the most stupid and insignificant things.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just stopped by and have to catch up on your back story so forgive me please if I'm writing something you already know.

    I've been dealing with vestibulitis for years now and have had some decent success with treatment. I'm not sure which creams you're using, but I found that Atropine (prescription only) is very soothing after sex. Have you tried that one? It's been a huge help.

    Hang in there on the tougher days! There's always a better one around the corner.
