Jan 29, 2012

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." (Sun Tzu)

It has now been almost a week since the diagnosis.
In the meantime, I got the results from the lab. No infection, no bacteria.
So, I guess the doctor was right. It's not much of a surprise.

I decided to focus on how to reduce the pain and live as comfortably as possible with it. Once I've got a good grasp of that, I can focus on how to kick its ass.

Conclusions of that first week:

1. Internet's full of useful pain-reducing tipps. Makes me feel more optimistic.
However, there's no way I'm gonna stop wearing my beautiful lingerie (French resistance!) Wearing expensive organic cotton panty liners has got to be enough...

2. V + period = bad, bad combo...

3. According to many internet sources, it would be a good idea to try a low-oxalate diet. But apparently, high-oxalate foods are all my favorite foods!! :'( I'm saying apparently, cos every list I find on the internet is different.)
No more eggplants, carrots, nuts, berries, beans, no more cinnamon, chocolate (this one's really killing me) or whole-wheat bread, and so many other things that I like...
Anyway, I'm gonna try it, but if I don't feel any change, in a month or two, I get back to cinnamon and olives.

4. I have always more of a clone than a daughter to my mum, but now it's getting even worse. The girl who used to live at night more than during the day has become the girl who falls asleep at 9pm.
Funny enough, it's that little change that seems to be hardest to deal with.

5. Sports is really good! (starting slow, though: walking, yoga and pilates)

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